Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Pressures of Blogging

You know when something happens, or you have an amazing moment either where you begin to understand a situation you are in, or there is an incredible amount of emotion that needs to pour out?

No words... No eloquent way of describing this moment... Just me understanding the thoughts that have raced through my mind, the things that have weighed so heavy on my heart... and until I put them into words, I feel disconnected and still uneasy...

This is my problem. I yearn to write... to get things off my chest... to be completely honest with myself and God... but I sit down to share, and I hit a dead end.

Maybe I don't have enough time to write everything I am feeling...
Maybe I am overwhelmed with all the emotions I want to share, and don't know where to begin...
Maybe I feel I wont give justice to what I am writing about, the subject deserving more than just random thoughts from Tami...
Maybe I feel I don't have it completely figured out...

Whatever the reason, the hesitation, I have been writing "easy" posts if you will. No depth, no emotion...

That's why I love posting pictures! It's easy!

This is a start! I will make an effort to blog about things that are actually meaningful to at least me, that is why I started a blog in the first place!

Just don't expect more than one a week! (you know who you are!)