Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Office

I love my job! There are so many cool things about what I do, I plan on sharing them periodically! Today, you are going to get a look into where I work! Yes, about 1/3 of the time I am out on job sites or meeting with vendors, but the other 2/3's I am here... in the building shown below!

This is not your typical office building! That is why I love it! It is an old warehouse conversion, there is a residence, architect's office and another office that I have not fgured out exactly what they do... and Croix Custom Homes! We are right off of Main street just past the Univeristy of Houston downtown Campus (Just in case someone wants to bring lunch!!!). About 3 minutes from Minute Maid Park.

This is kinda embarassing, but its' my desk! Guess I was busy the day I took the picture! Excuse the mess! We actually just put another little table behind my desk to give me some more work space... I promise it's not always like this. Half the time I am in the showroom (not pictured) with buyers or putting together the Spec houses.
Later, I will post some pictures of our current projects!
I know you can't wait! Thanks for acting interested!


Amber said...

First, I love your background! I think peacock feathers are fascinating, I have no idea why.

Second, your office looks cool! For some reason, the building looks familiar to me...I'm sure I've never been there, but maybe I've been past it.

Lisa said...

I really like the new background too! I like the post about the office. I almost copied you! I've wanted to do an office-ish post for a while, starting with the phenomenon of "the office fridge." I'll wait though!! But I might snap the necessary pics today. I have some other posts brewing that I can work on the meantime.

Ashlee Liddell said...

Oh, the new layout is WONDERFUL!!!! I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how much I love that you have joined the ranks of the blog world!

And, I think this is a brilliant idea! I am definitely going to be bringing lunch sometime this summer, or fall, or sometime.....
So, I think everyone should do this office picture post. EVERYONE.